Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Did you get one of these invitations today? This is your last week to purchase a yearbook for the low price of $21.50. Next week, the price will increase to $26.50. Hurry and get yours now. The yearbooks will be passed out on Friday!

Want an easy way to get a discount? Tell Mr. Winegar that you saw this post on the school blog site and you will get a 10% discount. You must do this before you leave school on Friday (March 16) to be eligible for the discount.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Yearbook Question #2

Name one teacher that is retiring. How many touchstones are there in the school?
Give all answers from the week to Mr. Winegar on Friday =) Good luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Yearbook Question #1

Yearbook question to answer #1; What is the answer to this question? No, but seriously, answer me this: (and yes you can ask others, or even teachers) What book does Mrs. Batt have her classes reading currently?


Want a special deal on the yearbook? Well you're in luck. The Blog is offering a special deal for the next couple of weeks. We will be asking questions about things in this school, and it will be your job to answer them! There will be a series of 2-3 questions each week. At the end of each week, come to Mr. Winegar's room and submit your answers. If your answers are all correct you will get a discount! Good luck!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yearbook Offers

       As the end of the school year is rounding the corner, everyone is getting antsy, and is ready for summer. Getting ready for summer should remind you that you need a Syringa Middle School yearbook! The yearbook currently is $21.50, but starting May 16, the yearbook will be $26.50. There will be certain competitions that will have prizes such as iTunes gift cards, t-shirts, pizza parties, and discounts! Make sure you go out and pay for one yourself, because you just might be able to win something. More details on the competitions will be posted here, and on posters around the hallways.

Click here to get a peak at the 2013-2014 yearbook